Starcraft 2 How to Upload Custom Hotkeys
watch 02:43
Kirby and the Forgotten Land - The Loop
A hotkey is a fundamental or set of keys which perform a specific function with regards to time efficiency. Hotkeys are vital as they allow for orders and commands to be delivered quickly, thus assuasive for improve command, and much more than efficient time direction.
- 1 StarCraft
- General
- ane.1.1 Global
- 1.1.2 Menus
- ane.i.3 In-game
- 1.2 Universal abilities
- one.3 Terran
- Edifice production
- 1.3.2 Unit of measurement production
- i.3.iii Abilities
- 1.three.4 Upgrades
- 1.4 Protoss
- one.iv.1 Building production
- 1.four.two Unit of measurement production
- 1.iv.3 Abilities
- i.4.4 Upgrades
- 1.5 Zerg
- i.5.1 Building product
- 1.5.2 Unit production
- 1.5.iii Abilities
- 1.5.4 Upgrades
- ane.half-dozen Multiplayer chat commands
- General
- 2 StarCraft Two
- 2.1 General
- 2.i.1 Pick
- 2.1.2 Photographic camera
- 2.i.iii Chat
- User interface
- 2.1.5 Menus
- 2.ane.half-dozen Replays
- Observer
- 2.1.8 AI commands
- two.1.9 Other
- 2.2 Universal abilities
- ii.iii Terran
- ii.iii.1 Building product
- 2.3.ii Unit production
- 2.3.3 Abilities
- ii.3.4 Upgrades
- 2.iv Protoss
- 2.iv.1 Building production
- 2.4.2 Unit production
- 2.four.three Abilities
- 2.four.four Upgrades
- 2.v Zerg
- 2.5.1 Building production
- 2.five.ii Unit production
- two.five.three Abilities
- 2.five.four Upgrades
- ii.6 Multiple edifice selection
- 2.1 General
- three Visual Maps
- 4 References
In StarCraft: Remastered, hotkeys tin can be customized in the main menu.
- F5 - Toggle remastered graphics (StarCraft: Remastered)
- Ctrl+Grand - Toggle music
- Ctrl+S - Toggle sound
- Alt+Enter - Switch between windowed-fullscreen and windowed
- Tab - Cycle through various buttons and input fields (use shift to reverse the order of cycling)
- Escape - Cancel
- Alt+V - Toggle join and go out aqueduct notifications (multiplayer)
- Alt+S Open the Select Map frame from within the Create custom game carte du jour (multiplayer)
All card hotkeys have a corresponding letter of the alphabet, or Alt+Letter in with the chatbox present.
- Ctrl+0-ix - Assign currently selected units to the numbered control group
- Shift+0-ix - Add together currently selected units to the numbered control group
- 0-9 - Select units from the numbered control grouping
- Alt+0-9, Double tap on Number - Select units from the numbered control group then center screen to them
- Ctrl+C, Alt+C - Center screen on selected unit(s)
- Alt+Click on own unit - Select all units of its last group (group = units selected by whatsoever way, not necessarily in a control group)
- Ctrl+Click, Doubleclick on own unit of measurement - Select the clicked unit and other units of the same type on the screen
- Ctrl+Click on unit in option box - Select all units of that type already selected
- Shift - Queue up to 9 orders when held
- Shift+Click on own unit of measurement - Add or remove unit from current choice
- Shift+Click on unit in selection box - Remove unit from current selection
- Mouse wheel - Conform view superlative (single histrion, observer, and replay) (StarCraft: Remastered)
- Middle mouse push button - Drag scroll
- Arrow keys - Move camera
- Shift+F2-F4 - Salvage location
- F2-F4 - Go to saved location
- Space - Become to terminal alert location
- Shift+Tab in multiplayer - Once: Modify Opponent/Allies/Cocky colors in the minimap to red/xanthous/teal respectively. Twice: Brand the change of colors on main screen & minimap. Thrice: back to original colors on main screen & minimap.
- Tab - Toggle whether to testify terrain in minimap
- Ctrl+Alt+F - Toggle whether to display logical number of frames per 2d (StarCraft: Remastered)
- Ctrl+Alt+T - Toggle whether to display plow rate (multiplayer) (StarCraft: Remastered)
- Ctrl+R - Toggle multiplayer ranking way if game type is Use Map Settings (UMS)
- + - Increase game speed (single thespian), show chat log (multiplayer)
- - - Decrease game speed (single thespian)
- Alt+South - Save game
- Alt+50 - Load game (single player)
- Ctrl+Q, Alt+Q - Quit mission
- Ctrl+10, Alt+X - Exit game
- F10, Alt+M - Open up main menu
- F11 - Open up assist and tips menu
- Alt+O - Open options carte du jour
- Enter - Bulletin prompt
- Shift+Enter - To all bulletin prompt (multiplayer)
- Ctrl+Enter - To allies message prompt (multiplayer)
Combinations of some hotkeys are possible - for example, Ctrl+Shift+Click on a unit adds that unit and others of the aforementioned type on the screen to the electric current selection.
Universal abilities
- M - Move
- S - Stop
- A - Attack (and Attack Move)
- H - Concord Position
- P - Patrol
- Grand - Gather
- C - Return Cargo
- B - Build Structure
- V - Build Advanced Construction
- R - Prepare Rally Point
- L - Load
- U - Unload All
- Escape - Abolish
Building product
- C - Control Center
- S - Supply Depot
- R - Refinery
- B - Barracks
- E - Applied science Bay
- T - Missile Turret
- U - Bunker
- A - University
- F - Factory
- South - Starport
- A - Armory
- I - Science Facility
- C - Comsat Station (To Command Center)
- Northward - Nuclear Silo (To Command Middle)
- C - Machine Shop (To Factory)
- C - Control Tower (To Starport)
- P - Physics Lab (To Scientific discipline Facility)
- C - Covert Ops (To Science Facility)
Unit production
- Due south - SCV
- Chiliad - Marine
- F - Firebat
- C - Medic (Brood State of war)
- G - Ghost
- V - Vulture
- T - Siege Tank
- One thousand - Goliath
- West - Wraith
- V - Science Vessel
- D - Dropship
- B - Battlecruiser
- Y - Valkyrie (Brood War)
- T - Stimpack (Marine, Firebat)
- C - Cloak (Ghost, Wraith)
- L - Lockdown (Ghost)
- North - Nuclear Strike (Ghost)
- A - Heal (Medic) (Brood War)
- R - Restoration (Medic) (Brood War)
- F - Optical Flare (Medic) (Breed War)
- I - Lay Spider Mines (Vulture)
- O - Siege Mode/Tank Mode (Siege Tank)
- D - Defensive Matrix (Science Vessel)
- I - Irradiate (Science Vessel)
- E - EMP Shockwave (Science Vessel)
- Y - Yamato Cannon (Battlecruiser)
- S - Scanner Sweep (Comsat Station)
- L - Lift/Land structure (Command Center, Billet, Engineering Bay, Factory, Starport, Science Facility, Infested Control Center)
- Due north - Arm Nuclear Silo (Nuclear Silo)
- West - Infantry Weapons (Technology Bay)
- A - Infantry Armor (Engineering Bay)
- U - U-238 Shells (Academy)
- T - Stim Pack (Academy)
- R - Restoration (Academy) (Breed War)
- F - Optical Flare (Academy) (Brood War)
- D - Caduceus Reactor (University) (Breed War)
- W - Vehicle Weapons (Arsenal)
- P - Vehicle Plating (Armory)
- S - Ship Weapons (Armory)
- H - Ship Plating (Armory)
- I - Ion Thrusters (Machine Shop)
- Yard - Spider Mines (Machine Shop)
- S - Siege Tech (Automobile Store)
- C - Charon Boosters (Machine Shop) (Brood State of war)
- C - Cloaking Field (Command Tower)
- A - Apollo Reactor (Control Tower)
- East - EMP Shockwave (Scientific discipline Facility)
- I - Irradiate (Science Facility)
- T - Titan Reactor (Science Facility)
- 50 - Lockdown (Covert Ops)
- O - Ocular Implants (Covert Ops)
- M - Moebius Reactor (Covert Ops)
- C - Personal Cloaking (Covert Ops)
- Y - Yamato Gun (Physics Lab)
- C - Colossus Reactor (Physics Lab)
Building production
- N - Nexus
- G - Gateway
- P - Pylon
- A - Assimilator
- Y - Cybernetics Core
- F - Forge
- C - Cannon
- B - Shield Battery
- S - Stargate
- C - Citadel of Adun
- T - Templar Archives
- R - Robotics Facility
- O - Observatory
Unit production
- P - Probe
- D - Dragoon
- Z - Zealot
- K - Nighttime Templar (Breed War)
- R - Merge to Dark Archon (Brood War)
- T - High Templar
- R - Merge to Archon
- S - Shuttle
- Five - Reaver
- O - Observer
- S - Scout
- C - Carrier
- A - Czar
- O - Corsair (Breed War)
- T - Psionic Storm (High Templar)
- Fifty - Hallucination (Loftier Templar)
- F - Feedback (Dark Archon) (Brood War)
- C - Mind Control (Nighttime Archon) (Brood War)
- E - Maelstrom (Nighttime Archon) (Brood War)
- R - Build Scarab (Reaver)
- D - Disruption Spider web (Corsair) (Brood War)
- R - Recall (Arbiter)
- T - Stasis Field (Czar)
- I - Build Interceptor (Carrier)
- R - Recharge Shields (Shield Bombardment)
- Due west - Basis Weapons (Forge)
- A - Ground Armor (Forge)
- S - Plasma Shields (Forge)
- W - Air Weapons (Cybernetics Cadre)
- A - Air Armor (Cybernetics Core)
- S - Singularity Charge (Cybernetics Core)
- L - Leg Enhancements (Citadel of Adun)
- S - Scarab Capacity (Robotics Support Bay)
- C - Increased Reaver Capacity (Robotics Support Bay)
- G - Gravitic Bulldoze (Templar Archives)
- P - Psionic Storm (Templar Archives)
- H - Hallucination (Templar Archives)
- K - Khaydarin Amulet (Templar Archives)
- K - Listen Control (Templar Archives) (Brood War)
- E - Maelstrom (Templar Athenaeum) (Brood War)
- T - Argus Talisman (Templar Archives) (Brood State of war)
- A - Apial Sensors (Armada Beacon)
- G - Gravitic Thrusters (Fleet Beacon)
- C - Increased Carrier Capacity (Fleet Buoy)
- D - Disruption Web (Fleet Beacon) (Brood War)
- J - Argus Jewel (Fleet Buoy) (Brood War)
- Thou - Gravitic Booster (Observatory)
- S - Sensor Array (Observatory)
- R - Recall (Arbiter Tribunal)
- S - Stasis Field (Arbiter Tribunal)
- Chiliad - Khaydarin Core (Arbiter Tribunal)
Edifice production
- H - Hatchery
- 50 - Lair
- H - Hive
- 50 - Lair
- C - Creep Colony
- U - Sunken Colony
- S - Spore Colony
- Due east - Extractor
- S - Spawning Puddle
- V - Evolution Bedchamber
- D - Hydralisk Den
- Southward - Spire
- Thousand - Greater Spire
- Q - Queen'due south Nest
- Northward - Nydus Canal
- Northward - Identify Nydus Canal
- U - Ultralisk Cavern
- D - Defiler Mound
Unit production
- D - Drone
- Z - Zergling
- O - Overlord
- H - Hydralisk
- L - Morph to Lurker (Brood War)
- 1000 - Mutalisk
- G - Guardian Aspect
- D - Devourer Attribute (Brood War)
- S - Scourge
- Q - Queen
- U - Ultralisk
- F - Defiler
- I - Infested Terran
- U - Burrow/Unburrow (Drone, Zergling, Hydralisk, Defiler, Infested Terran)
- R - Parasite (Queen)
- B - Spawn Broodling (Queen)
- E - Ensnare (Queen)
- I - Infest Terran Command Heart (Queen)
- W - Dark Swarm (Defiler)
- G - Plague (Defiler)
- C - Consume (Defiler)
- B - Burrow (Hatchery, Lair, Hive)
- Five - Ventral Sacs (Lair, Hive)
- A - Antennae (Lair, Hive)
- P - Pneumatized Carapace (Lair, Hive)
- Chiliad - Metabolic Boost (Spawning Puddle)
- A - Adrenal Glands (Spawning Pool)
- M - Muscular Augments (Hydralisk Den)
- G - Grooved Spines (Hydralisk Den)
- L - Lurker Aspect (Hydralisk Den) (Brood War)
- Thousand - Melee Attack (Development Bedchamber)
- A - Missile Assail (Development Bedchamber)
- C - Carapace (Evolution Chamber)
- A - Flyer Attack (Spire)
- C - Flyer Carapace (Spire)
- B - Spawn Broodling (Queen'southward Nest)
- E - Ensnare (Queen's Nest)
- G - Gamete Meiosis (Queen's Nest)
- G - Plague (Defiler Mound)
- C - Swallow (Defiler Mound)
- M - Metasynaptic Node (Defiler Mound)
- A - Anabolic Synthesis (Ultralisk Cavern)
- C - Chitinous Plating (Ultralisk Cavern)
Multiplayer chat commands
- /away [text] - Display a bulletin that you are away from your keyboard whenever someone whispers to you or does a /whois command on you. To disable this control, use the control again.
- /ban [user] (Channel operator just) - Kick user from channel and prevent them from returning.
- /channel [channelname] - Join aqueduct. Aliases: /join /j.
- /designate [user] (Channel operators only) - User becomes the new aqueduct operator when yous are no longer the operator.
- /dnd [text] "Do Not Disturb" - Prevent all whispers from displaying to your screen. Its use is similar to the /away control. To turn the DND mode off, simply type /dnd without a reason. This will forbid people from sending whispers to yous while in a game every bit well. You are nevertheless able to run across all normal public channel letters.
- /emote [text] - Display MESSAGE in some other color and in the class of an activity. Aliases: /me.
- /friends - Add, remove, or whisper a friend.
- /friends add [user] - Add together ACCOUNTNAME to your friends listing. Aliases: a.
- /friends remove [user] - Remove ACCOUNTNAME from your friends list. Aliases: r.
- /friends msg [text] - Whisper MESSAGE to all Breed War friends and all Blizzard friends who are currently using StarCraft. Aliases: m.
- /friends msgAll [text] - Whisper Message to all friends. Aliases: ma.
- /friends list - Listing your Blizzard friends who are currently using StarCraft and your Brood State of war friends. Aliases: fifty.
- /friends listAll - Listing your friends. Aliases: la.
- /friends listBlizzard - List your Blizzard friends. Aliases: lb.
- /friends listOnline - Listing your Blizzard friends who are currently using StarCraft and your Brood War friends who are online. Aliases: lo o.
- /friends on - Enable friends presence notifications.
- /friends off - Disable friends presence notifications. Aliases: f.
- /help - Display usage assist for chat topics. Aliases: /?.
- /ignore [user] - Ignore any future messages from that user effectively muting that user to yous. Aliases: /squelch.
- /boot [user] (Channel operator only) - Kicking user from channel.
- /options - Change messaging options.
- /options ignorewhispers - Ignore whispers from anyone who isn't in your friends list. Aliases: igw.
- /options unignorewhispers - Allow whispers from anyone who isn't in your friends list. Aliases: unigw.
- /options ignorepublic - Ignore letters in public conversation channels from anyone who isn't in your friends list. Aliases: igpub.
- /options unignorepublic - Allow letters in public chat channels from anyone who isn't in your friends listing. Aliases: unigpub.
- /options ignoreprivate - Ignore letters in private chat channels from anyone who isn't in your friends list. Aliases: igpriv.
- /options unignoreprivate - Permit messages in individual chat channels from anyone who isn't in your friends list. Aliases: unigpriv
- /quit - Exit game. Aliases: /q /logout /exit.
- /rejoin - Re-bring together channel. Aliases: /resign.
- /answer - Reply to latest whisper. Aliases: /r.
- /report [user] - Report user.
- /study [user] spam - Written report for spamming comments.
- /study [user] harassment - Written report for harrassing users.
- /study [user] cheating [gamename] - Report for cheating in-game.
- /report [user] accountName - Study inappropriate username.
- /written report [user] battleTag - Written report inappropriate boxing tag.
- /report [user] gameName [gamename] - Report inappropriate game name.
- /stats [user] - Display the player's Win/Loss/Disconnect tape for both normal and Ladder games. Aliases: /south /astat.
- /time - Display current server time.
- /unban (Channel operator but) - Permit user to return to aqueduct.
- /unignore [user] - Let a previously squelched user to talk to you normally. Aliases: /unsquelch.
- /users - Display the number of users currently on
- /whisper [user] [text] - Send a private message to a user online regardless of the channel they are in. This is an excellent fashion to permit a friend know you are online. Aliases: /one thousand /msg /west.
- /who [channel] - Display a list of all users in the given aqueduct.
- /whoami - Brandish your data on Boxing.cyberspace.
- /whois [user] - Look up some basic data on a user, including their account number and their electric current location. This is an splendid style to detect your friends online. Aliases: /where /whereis.
StarCraft II
There are profile options for Standard, Filigree (which maps everything to 15 specific keys), left-handed options for both, and the original StarCraft's hotkeys, likewise as custom profiles. The hotkeys beneath are for the right-handed Standard template.
Campaigns, Co-op Missions, and specific custom maps have additional units, buildings, abilities, and upgrades with their ain customizable hotkey layout.
- West - Select all Warp Gates
- F1 - Select idle workers one-by-one
- F2 - Select all fighting units
- Escape - Abolish drag pick
- Tab - Adjacent subgroup
- Shit+Tab - Previous subgroup
- Shift - Queue up to 32 orders while held
- Ctrl+0-9 - Assign currently selected unit of measurement(s) or structure(south) to control group
- Shift+0-9 - Add currently selected unit(s) or construction(s) to command group
- Alt+0-nine - Assign currently selected unit(s) or construction(south) to control group and have abroad units
- Alt+Shift+0-ix - Add currently selected unit(southward) or structure(s) to control group and accept away units
- 0-9 - Select control group
- Ctrl+Click - Select all units or structures of that type visible on the screen
- Shift+Click - Add together or remove units to the currently selected group
Photographic camera
- Mouse wheel - Adjust view height
- Middle mouse push button - Hold to drag photographic camera
- Pointer keys - Move camera
- Insert - Rotate camera clockwise
- Delete - Rotate camera counterclockwise
- Folio Down - Zoom in
- Folio Up - Zoom out
- Cease - Zoom toggle
- Domicile - Default photographic camera view
- Spacebar - View last alarm area
- Backspace - View base
- Ctrl+F = Hold to follow the selected unit with camera
- Ctrl+Shift+F = Follow the selected unit with camera
- Ctrl+F5-F8 - Salvage location (add together Shift to include 4 boosted locations)
- F5-F8 - Go to saved location (add Shift to go to 4 boosted locations)
- Enter, / - Message prompt
- Enter - Send bulletin
- Shift+Enter - To all
- Ctrl+Enter - To allies
- Ctrl+Alt+Enter - To individual player
- Tab - Toggle betwixt chat recipients
- Escape - Close chat
User interface
- ' - Testify all HP bars
- \ - Show your HP bars
- [ - Show ally HP confined
- ] - Bear witness enemy HP bars
- Alt+G, Alt+Click - Ping the minimap (tin exist held for more options)
- Alt+F - Toggle alliance colors
- Alt+T - Toggle terrain on/off on the minimap
- Interruption/Pause - Pause game
- Ctrl+Q - Quick save
- Alt+Enter - Toggle screen display
- ` - Phonation chat
- Num Pad + - Increase game speed (certain modes only)
- Num Pad - - Decrease game speed (certain modes only)
- Shift - Display tooltips
- Ctrl+Thousand - Toggle music
- Ctrl+S - Toggle audio
- Escape - Skip cinematic or chat
- Print Screen - Have full screenshot
- Ctrl+Alt+F - Toggle FPS display and other info
- F1-F7 - Select card tab
- F9 - Open up achievements menu
- F10 - Open master bill of fare
- F11 - Open up message log
- F12 - Open help carte du jour
- Alt+F11 - Open up social carte du jour
- Ctrl+F12 - Open team resources bill of fare
- Escape - Close card
- P - Interruption/resume
- =, Num Pad + - Increase playing speed
- -, Num Pad - - Decrease playing speed
- F - Skip frontward
- B - Skip dorsum
- Ctrl+E - Restart
- Ctrl+T - Toggle timeline
- H - Testify/hide HP confined
- M - Compare APM
- A - Compare total mineral, gas and population cost of fightable units
- I - Compare the amount of mineral and gas gathered within one minute and the amount of workers
- D - Compare units that are being produced, constructions that are being congenital and technologies that are beingness researched
- Thou - Compare upgrades
- R - Compare current mineral, gas and population
- South - Compare the total corporeality of resource that are spent on technologies and units
- U - Compare all units
- T - Compare all structures
- L - Compare lost units and their costs
- Due north - Close compare window
- Shift+C - Compare EPM
- C - Show POV of current player
- V - Limit vision to selected unit'south owner (concord to view)
- W - Show vision of selected units and structures
- East - Show vision of all players
- 1-8 - Bear witness vision of players 1-8
- Ctrl+1-eight - Bear witness vision of players ix-16
- Escape - Clear pick
- Z - Extra camera zoom (level 1)
- Shift+Z - Extra camera zoom (level 2)
- Ctrl+Due north - Toggle 1v1 Name Panel
- Ctrl+I - Toggle 1v1 Resources Compare Panel
- Ctrl+A - Toggle 1v1 Ground forces/Worker Supply Compare Console
- Ctrl+R - Toggle 1v1 Unit/Worker Killed Compare Panel
- Ctrl+C - Toggle 1v1 APM Compare Panel
- Ctrl+Five - Toggle 1v1 EPM Compare Panel
- Ctrl+Due west - Toggle UI (Command Card/Minimap/etc.)
- Ctrl+West - Toggle Versus sides
AI commands
- Alt+C - Advice
- Alt+A - Army
- Alt+S - Sentinel
- Alt+D - Detect
- Alt+Eastward - Expand
- Alt+B - Build
- Alt+X - Articulate all/Delete
- Escape - Cancel/Get out advice
- F3-F8 - Select hero
- Ctrl+Z/X/C/V - Utilise height bar ability
- Num Pad 0-9 - Utilize slot
- Alt+Num Pad 0-9 - Pickup slot
Universal abilities
- Chiliad - Move
- South - Finish
- H - Hold Position
- P - Patrol
- A - Set on (and Attack Move)
- G - Gather
- C - Return Cargo
- B - Build Structure
- V - Build Avant-garde Structure
- Y - Spray
- Fifty - Load (O on Command Center and Planetary Fortress)
- D - Unload All
- F - Agree Fire
- Thousand - Weapons Free
- Escape - Cancel
Building production
- C - Control Center
- B - Orbital Command
- P - Planetary Fortress
- R - Refinery
- S - Supply Depot
- B - Barracks
- E - Applied science Bay
- U - Bunker
- T - Missile Turret
- N - Sensor Tower
- 1000 - Ghost University
- F - Mill
- A - Armory
- S - Starport
- C - Fusion Core
- X - Tech Lab (Billet, Factory, Starport)
- C - Reactor (Barracks, Mill, Starport)
Unit production
- S - SCV
- A - Marine
- D - Marauder
- R - Reaper
- G - Ghost
- E - Hellion
- D - Widow Mine
- North - Cyclone
- S - Siege Tank
- R - Hellbat
- T - Thor
- 5 - Viking
- D - Medivac
- Northward - Liberator
- R - Raven
- East - Banshee
- B - Battlecruiser
- Q - Select Architect (Structures)
- Fifty - Lift Off (Command Center, Orbital Command, Barracks, Mill, Starport)
- 50 - Land (Control Center, Orbital Command, Barracks, Mill, Starport)
- E - Calldown: MULE (Orbital Command)
- X - Calldown: Extra Supplies (Orbital Control)
- C - Scanner Sweep (Orbital Command)
- R - Lower (Supply Depot)
- R - Enhance (Supply Depot)
- V - Salvage (Bunker)
- Northward - Arm Silo With Nuke (Ghost Academy)
- R - Repair (SCV, MULE)
- T - Halt Structure (SCV)
- T - Stimpack (Marine, Marauder, Bunker)
- D - KD8 Charge (Reaper)
- R - Steady Targeting (Ghost)
- E - EMP Round (Ghost)
- C - Cloak (Ghost, Banshee)
- D - Decloak (Ghost, Banshee)
- Due north - Nuclear Strike (Ghost)
- D - Hellbat Manner (Hellion)
- Eastward - Hellion Manner (Hellbat)
- E - Activate Mine (Widow Mine)
- D - Conciliate Mine (Widow Mine)
- E - Siege Mode (Siege Tank)
- D - Tank Mode (Siege Tank)
- C - Lock On (Cyclone)
- E - Loftier Impact Payload (Thor)
- D - Explosive Payload (Thor)
- East - Fighter Mode (Viking)
- D - Attack Mode (Viking)
- E - Heal (Medivac)
- B - Ignite Afterburners (Medivac)
- E - Defender Fashion (Liberator)
- D - Fighter Way (Liberator)
- T - Build Auto-Turret (Raven)
- C - Interference Matrix (Raven)
- R - Anti-Armor Missile (Raven)
- Y - Yamato Cannon (Battlecruiser)
- T - Tactical Jump (Battlecruiser)
- East - Infantry Weapons (Applied science Bay)
- A - Infantry Armor (Engineering Bay)
- H - Hullo-Sec Automobile Tracking (Engineering science Bay)
- B - Neosteel Armor (Engineering Bay)
- C - Personal Cloaking (Ghost University)
- South - Enhanced Shockwaves (Ghost Academy)
- E - Vehicle Weapons (Armory)
- V - Ship Weapons (Armory)
- South - Vehicle and Ship Plating (Armory)
- R - Weapon Refit (Fusion Core)
- Due south - Rapid Reignition Organization (Fusion Core)
- N - Advanced Ballistics (Fusion Core)
- C - Gainsay Shield (Billet Tech Lab)
- T - Stimpack (Barracks Tech Lab)
- G - Concussive Shells (Barracks Tech Lab)
- I - Infernal Pre-Igniter (Factory Tech Lab)
- R - Mag-Field Accelerator (Factory Tech Lab)
- C - Drilling Claws (Manufacturing plant Tech Lab)
- S - Smart Servos (Mill Tech Lab)
- T - Corvid Reactor (Starport Tech Lab)
- C - Cloaking Field (Starport Tech Lab)
- B - Hyperflight Rotors (Starport Tech Lab)
Edifice production
- Due north - Nexus
- A - Assimilator
- E - Pylon
- G - Gateway
- F - Forge
- Y - Cybernetics Core
- C - Photon Cannon
- B - Shield Battery
- C - Twilight Quango
- T - Templar Athenaeum
- D - Dark Shrine
- South - Stargate
- F - Armada Buoy
- R - Robotics Facility
- B - Robotics Bay
Unit production
- Eastward - Probe
- M - Mothership
- Z - Zealot
- E - Watch
- Due south - Stalker
- H - Skilful
- T - Loftier Templar
- D - Dark Templar
- B - Observer
- A - Warp Prism
- I - Immortal
- C - Colossus
- D - Disruptor
- X - Phoenix
- Eastward - Oracle
- V - Void Ray
- T - Tempest
- C - Carrier
- C - Chrono Boost (Nexus)
- R - Strategic Think (Nexus)
- B - Battery Overcharge (Nexus)
- Yard - Warp Gate Transformation (Gateway)
- K - Transform to Gateway (Warp Gate)
- R - Restore (Shield Battery)
- C - Accuse (Zealot)
- F - Psionic Transfer (Adept)
- F - Force Field (Sentry)
- G - Guardian Shield (Sentry)
- C - Hallucination (Sentry)
- B - Blink (Stalker)
- B - Shadow Footstep (Dark Templar)
- F - Feedback (High Templar)
- T - Psionic Storm (Loftier Templar)
- C - Archon Warp (Loftier Templar, Dark Templar)
- E - Surveillance Way (Observer)
- T - Observer Mode (Observer)
- E - Phase Fashion (Warp Prism)
- T - Transport Mode (Warp Prism)
- V - Purification Nova (Disruptor)
- G - Graviton Beam (Phoenix)
- Eastward - Prismatic Alignment (Void Ray)
- R - Revelation (Oracle)
- T - Stasis Ward (Oracle)
- C - Active Pulsar Beam (Oracle)
- D - Conciliate Pulsar Beam (Oracle)
- I - Build Interceptor (Carrier)
- R - Mass Recall (Mothership)
- T - Fourth dimension Warp (Mothership)
- G - Basis Weapons (Forge)
- A - Basis Armor (Forge)
- S - Plasma Shields (Forge)
- E - Air Weapons (Cybernetics Core)
- A - Air Armor (Cybernetics Core)
- G - Warp Gate Transformation (Cybernetics Core)
- C - Accuse (Twilight Council)
- B - Glimmer (Twilight Council)
- A - Resonating Glaives (Twilight Council)
- T - Psionic Storm (Templar Athenaeum)
- R - Anion Pulse-Crystals (Fleet Beacon)
- F - Flux Vanes (Armada Beacon)
- T - Tectonic Destabilizers (Fleet Beacon)
- B - Gravitic Boosters (Robotics Bay)
- Thousand - Gravitic Drive (Robotics Bay)
- Due east - Extended Thermal Lance (Robotics Bay)
- B - Shadow Stride (Night Shrine)
Building product
- H - Hatchery
- L - Lair
- H - Hive
- L - Lair
- Eastward - Extractor
- S - Spawning Pool
- V - Development Chamber
- R - Roach Warren
- B - Baneling Nest
- C - Spine Crawler
- A - Spore Crawler
- I - Infestation Pit
- H - Hydralisk Den
- Southward - Spire
- Thousand - Greater Spire
- North - Nydus Network
- Due north - Nydus Worm
- U - Ultralisk Cavern
Unit product
- Q - Queen
- D - Drone
- Five - Overlord
- V - Overseer
- Z - Zergling
- E - Baneling
- R - Roach
- V - Ravager
- H - Hydralisk
- E - Lurker
- T - Mutalisk
- C - Corruptor
- B - Brood Lord
- F - Infestor
- A - Swarm Host
- E - Viper
- U - Ultralisk
- D - Root (Spine Crawler, Spore Crawler)
- R - Uproot (Spine Crawler, Spore Crawler)
- N - Summon Nydus Worm (Nydus Network)
- C - Create Creep Tumor (Creep Tumor)
- D - Burrow (Queen, Drone, Zergling, Baneling, Roach, Ravager, Hydralisk, Lurker, Infestor, Swarm Host, Ultralisk)
- R - Unburrow (Queen, Drone, Zergling, Baneling, Roach, Ravager, Hydralisk, Lurker, Infestor, Swarm Host, Ultralisk)
- X - Explode (Baneling)
- F - Enable Building Set on (Baneling)
- G - Disable Edifice Assault (Baneling)
- C - Corrosive Bile (Ravager)
- C - Swallow (Viper)
- D - Abduct (Viper)
- B - Blinding Deject (Viper)
- R - Parasitic Bomb (Viper)
- C - Caustic Spray (Corruptor)
- C - Spawn Locusts (Swarm Host)
- Z - Swoop (Locust)
- C - Microbial Shroud (Infestor)
- F - Fungal Growth (Infestor)
- Due east - Neural Parasite (Infestor)
- Yard - Generate Creep (Overlord)
- T - Mutate Ventral Sacs (Overlord)
- West - Oversight Way (Overseer)
- R - Overseer Mode (Overseer)
- C - Spawn Changeling (Overseer)
- E - Contaminate (Overseer)
- C - Spawn Creep Tumor (Queen)
- V - Spawn Larva (Queen)
- T - Transfusion (Queen)
- B - Burrow (Hatchery, Lair, Hive)
- P - Pneumatized Carapace (Hatchery, Lair, Hive)
- Grand - Metabolic Boost (Spawning Puddle)
- A - Adrenal Glands (Spawning Puddle)
- Grand - Melee Attacks (Development Chamber)
- A - Missile Attacks (Evolution Sleeping accommodation)
- C - Footing Carapace (Evolution Bedchamber)
- G - Glial Reconstruction (Roach Warren)
- T - Tunneling Claws (Roach Warren)
- C - Centrifugal Hooks (Baneling Nest)
- M - Grooved Spines (Hydralisk Den)
- H - Musuclar Augments (Hydralisk Den)
- D - Adaptive Talons (Lurker Den)
- S - Seismic Spines (Lurker Den)
- G - Pathogen Glands (Infestation Pit)
- Eastward - Neural Parasite (Infestation Pit)
- A - Flyer Attacks (Spire, Greater Spire)
- C - Flyer Carapace (Spire, Greater Spire)
- C - Chitinous Armor (Ultralisk Cavern)
- A - Anabolic Synthesis (Ultralisk Cave)
Multiple building selection
Double clicking a building will highlight all of the same buildings on the screen, assuasive a histrion to set
- a common control group for the selected buildings simultaneously. This allows the creation of multiple units from multiple buildings, without switching hotkeys.
- a mutual manner point for the selected buildings simultaneously.
Identical buildings on the aforementioned screen may exist selected simultaneously by double clicking one of the buildings. Once selected, all may be assigned a common command grouping like units.
Selected identical buildings may be ordered using mutual hotkeys. Hither, pressing "z" multiple times orders gateways to produce multiple zealots; production is spread evenly across the buildings.
Selected identical buildings may have a common waypoint fix at once.
Identical buildings non on the aforementioned screen may be selected simultaneously by holding "shift" and left clicking on i building. Hither, ii nexuses are selected this way.
Visual Maps
Visual map of some of the common StarCraft I keys. Click for larger view.
Visual map of some of the common StarCraft II keys. Click for larger view.
- Jonshong, "Starcraft (PC) Hotkeys List",, (05/28/1998)
- Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft Ii. (Activision Blizzard) (in English). July 27, 2010
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