Weight Loss Diet Plan for Men Dallas
Tackle Stubborn Weight Gain with SOTA
Desire to significantly improve your health, reverse obesity and obesity-related health conditions, look and feel great again for the rest of your life — simply because you want to.
SOTA makes slimming down easy and convenient. SOTA has seven beautiful Dallas Fort Worth facilities for IN-OFFICE weight-loss services and aSOTA-AT-HOME NATIONWIDE program offering SOTA nutritionist coaching, support, and weekly accountability weigh-ins 100% over-the-phone, from the comfort and convenience of your own home or workplace.
Guess what this means for you? No more excuses or procrastination! You can no longer say, "I am too busy, there is too much traffic, I don't have time, I live too far away, it does not fit my schedule, I know I need to but…" SOTA is the vetted and chosen weight loss program for the Dallas Cowboys organization and fans. SOTA's expert nutritionists, unique dietary protocols and SOTA's impressive client results are, say it with me now, "State of the Art!"
"I have conducted an in-depth review of SOTA's weight loss dietary protocols and their client-based procedures. SOTA is a current, research-validated weight loss program supported by outstanding client results."
– Dr. Ashley Lucas, PhD Sports Nutrition & Chronic Disease and Registered Dietitian.
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Take a quick peek into a SOTA Facility
SOTA's Unique Dietary Protocol Gets Stunning Results
SOTA Clients - Before & After PHOTOS
Please note: SOTA client before & after pictures have not been photoshopped or altered in any way.
SOTA client after pictures represent the dramatic transfigurations as a result of SOTA dietary protocol. Weight loss results vary per individual. Those who adhere faithfully to the program protocol get the best results.
Clients in these before & after pictures have not undergone cosmetic injections, fillers, liposuction or facial/neck/body cosmetic surgery.
"I have conducted an in-depth review of SOTA's weight loss dietary protocols and their client-based procedures. SOTA is a current, research-validated weight loss program supported by outstanding client results."
– Dr. Ashley Lucas, PhD Sports Nutrition & Chronic Disease and Registered Dietitian.
*Weight loss results vary per individual. Those who adhere faithfully to the program protocol get the best results.
Mike Shedd, Dallas Mavericks, Down 54 Lbs
Jeremy Holsopple, Head Strength & Conditioning Coach for the Dallas Mavericks
Chris Salcedo, Down 21 Lbs in 6 Weeks!
Chris Summer let go of 80 Lbs!
Kristen down 30lbs in her first 8 weeks
Mark & Liz let go of 130lbs
Nikki is down 20lbs in her first 6 weeks
Shelia is down 100lbs!
Chris Kruk, WBAP Radio
Ty Walker, The Ticket Sports Radio
Jacob let go of 174 Lbs!!
Lou, Down 64 Lbs
Allan, Down 71 Lbs
Mary Grace, Down 40 Lbs
Travis, Let go of 150+ Lbs!!
Kevin B. down over 160 Lbs!
Dan, Down 45 Lbs in 10 Weeks
Scott down 14 Lbs in 2 weeks!
Chris, Let go of 77 Lbs
Bob, Down 100+ Lbs!
Steve, Diabetic
John R., Let go of 154 Lbs!
Shayla, New Mother
Sherry found loads of energy!
Matt M., Maintenance Client
Matthew T., Down 75 Lbs
Beth, Let go of 80 Lbs
David, Let go of 90 Lbs
Peggy, Down 25 Lbs
Michelle, Down 42 Lbs
Loyd, Down 46 Lbs
Jon, Down over 35 Lbs
John, Down 65 Lbs
Brent, Down 65 Lbs in 11 weeks!
Brooke, joined with her husband
Corey Majors, Down 80 Lbs!
Cory, Down 31 Lbs in 12 weeks
Jarrel let go of 55 Lbs!
Darin, Down 29 Lbs!
Bob, Type 1 Diabetic
Bryan, Down 25 Lbs in 6 weeks!
David, Down 22 Lbs in 5 weeks!
Frank, Down 60 Lbs!
Deborah, More energy after 1 week!
Ed, Off his blood pressure meds after 3 weeks!
Kevin, Down over 160 Lbs!
Kevin H
Kevin C. Down 45 Lbs in 9 weeks!
Kevin G. Down 105 Lbs!
Larry, Down 65 Lbs!
Leesa & Tim — Both Down 50 Lbs!
Mathew, Down 25 Lbs in 3 weeks!
Wilbert, Diabetic
Ranee, Down 50 Lbs!
Carl, Down 48 Lbs in 10 weeks!
Richard, Down 55 Lbs!
Ken, Down over 26 Lbs in 5 weeks!
Suzanne, Down Over 44 Lbs!
Jonathan, Down 121 Lbs in 9 months!!
Stephanie, Down 38 Lbs in 14 weeks!
David B.
Lynn, Down 81 Lbs in 6 months!
Rick let go of 30 Lbs!
David let go of 81 Lbs!
Kathy, Down 35 Lbs!
Louie, Down 64 Lbs in 16 Weeks
Weight Loss Diet Plan for Men Dallas
Source: https://www.sotaweightloss.com/
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